Treating yourself to a spa facial isn’t just about relaxing and enjoying your facial, although those are some really big pros. A facial is all about keeping your skin at its healthiest. Facials can help you get rid of blemishes and acne while keeping your skin clear and glowing. After your facials you should see an improvement in your complexion as well.
Keeping your skin healthy:
Cleaning at home is, of course, necessary. Many of us have great home skin care routines to keep our skin at its best. However, a facial can offer your skin the deep cleaning it needs to remove stubborn dirt, germs and debris from clogged pores. Pores that have this nasty stuff in them will become irritated and this will cause pimples and blackheads to show up. Exfoliation will also help to remove the dead skin cells, which is very important. New skin cells can’t grow when dead ones are in the way. Removing these dead skin cells will help by making way for new ones to grow.
Learning about your skin:
Getting a facial can also help you learn some important things about your skin that you may not already know. The esthetician can help to determine your skin type and the best products for you to use. Getting tips and advice from the esthetician can benefit you and your skin, and you will understand why your skin does what it does and what ingredients you need in your skin care products.
Preventing wrinkles and fine lines:
Want to prevent wrinkles and fine lines and minimize the ones you have? Facials can help you with this, too! The exfoliation will help increase the blood flow and circulation, which will help to stimulate the skin. Making way for new skin cells to grow will help minimize wrinkles and fine lines. The esthetician will help you moisturize your skin and give you some tips on that to keep it that way. Keeping your skin moisturized will keep it young and healthy.
Melt your stress away with a relaxing facial that will soothe your mind. Oceana Spa offers a number of relaxing and therapeutic facials as well as education on skin care and home maintenance. See our Facials Page for some of our many offerings.